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Polarity of Us Page 13

We played with my makeup and even invited Aunt Em over for tea, where we all pretended we were some posh English ladies having an afternoon brunch. I never laughed so hard in my life watching Aunt Em practice that accent. It was absolutely horrible.

  On day three, Bastian called to say he was going to be a day longer because of snow. The roads weren’t being cleared as fast as he needed them to be, so it put him behind schedule. He was over eight hours away and said to call Aunt Em if something came up. She knew how to handle Addy’s bear form a lot better than I did.

  We spent the rest of that day immersed in Disney movies. Addy was sad that she’d have to wait another day to see him, so I figured it was a good distraction. She loved Frozen more than any of them.

  But day four turned into a day I wasn’t likely to forget anytime soon.

  I woke to the bed being jostled and a slight whimpering sound. I sat up and turned on the light to find Addy crawling sluggishly into the bed with me. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were red and drooping.

  “Oh, Addy! Are you okay, sweetheart?” I asked her. I reached for her and pulled her into my lap.

  When I felt her forehead, I began to worry. She was burning up. Her clothes were soaked in sweat and her breathing sounded harsh.

  “I don’t feel good,” she replied in a scratchy voice before beginning to cough.

  “Oh, sweetie. I’m sorry. Looks like you weren’t immune to that water you fell into. Let me call your daddy and see if he has any medicine for you.”

  I helped her lay down in the bed and covered her up. I grabbed my phone and began dialing Bastian as I ran a rag under some cold water in the kitchen sink. Thankfully, he answered on the second ring.

  “Daisy?” He answered in a tired voice. “Is everything okay? It’s three in the morning.”

  I rummaged through a basket on the counter and found a thermometer. “I’m sorry if I woke you, but it’s Addy. She’s really sick and I’m not entirely sure what to do,” I replied as I walked back in the room and folded the rag to set in on Addy’s head. I placed the thermometer under her tongue and waited.

  “Is she okay? What’s wrong?” He was more awake now and his voice rose into a slight panic.

  “She’s running a fever.” The thermometer beeped. I lifted it and almost choked on how high her temperature was. “Shit, it’s 105.3, Bastian! That’s not normal!”

  “With her shifter blood her average temperature is around 99.5, so no she definitely has a fever. Humans are at risk with 103 and above. Our threshold is 106 and above. She’s not critical, but she is sick. Any other symptoms?”

  I sighed in relief. It wasn’t good she was sick, but at least I didn’t think she was dying anymore. For a human, a temperature like that was close to death. “She has a watery cough and I’m pretty sure her throat is sore. I knew this was possible when she fell through the ice. Should I take her to the hospital?”

  “No! Whatever you do, Daisy, do not take her to the hospital,” he exclaimed in a panic. “We can’t risk them taking her blood. I have a doctor that makes house calls on the rare occasions Addy or I get sick. He knows what we are and keeps our secret. I’ll call him to come take a look at her. He should be out to you in a couple of hours. Do you think you’ll be okay watching over her? I won’t be back until late evening.”

  I laid down next to Addy and turned the rag over to the cool side. “I understand. And yes, absolutely. I’ll stay up and keep an eye on her.” I ran a hand through her soft curls as her breathing evened out, letting me know she was back to sleep. “She’s sleeping again. I’ll make her some broth to eat and some tea to help soothe her throat when she wakes.”

  Bastian gave a long sigh. “Thank you, Daisy. It means the world to me that she has you watching over her. I can worry less. She’s lucky to have you.”

  I smiled and gazed down at the beautiful little girl that had me wrapped around her pinky. “No. It’s me who’s lucky.” I leaned down and kissed her cheek. “It’s hard not to love this little girl to pieces. I’d do anything for her.”

  Bastian chuckled softly. “Again. She’s lucky to have you. Keep me up to date please.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “Goodnight, Daisy.”

  “Goodnight, Bastian.”

  I hung up the phone and snuggled in under the covers with Addy. When I did this, she turned and wrapped her arm around me. She pressed her head to my chest, effectively pushing the cold rag between me and her. I didn’t care, though. She was so precious the way she cuddled into me, that I just wrapped an arm around her and held her close.

  It warmed my heart to the point of combustion that she sought comfort like this from me.

  It made me realize how wonderful it would be to be a mother one day. And I could only hope my child would be half as incredible as this bundle of innocence incased in my arms.

  The doctor arrived right around when Bastian said he would.

  He was an older gentleman and had asked me questions on what happened and when the symptoms started. After explaining in as much detail as possible and him checking her over, he concluded she had a mild case of pneumonia.

  Because of how a shifter’s immune system worked, Addy contracted it faster than a human would have and would likely get through it much faster as well. He gave her a large dose of Penicillin that was twice as much as a human child would take.

  After giving clear instructions for her to keep hydrated, eat as much as she could, and rest, he left.

  I was thankful Addy would be alright and even more pleased to know she wouldn’t have to wait a full three weeks for this to clear out of her system. As long as she was taken care of properly, she’d be fine before the end of the week.

  Addy seemed to perk up a bit an hour after her shot was given and began gulping down some chicken broth I’d made her. She gingerly sipped on some warm tea with honey and happily agreed to lay on the couch and watch movies until Bastian came home.

  “Thank you, Daisy.” Addy had whispered to me as she pulled her blanket up to her shoulders.

  “You’re most welcome, sweetie. Are you comfortable? Do you want another wet rag for your head?” I asked as I sat on the edge of the couch and felt her forehead with the back of my hand.

  Her temperature had started dropping after her shot and getting some food in her belly. It amazed me how fast she went from being so sick, to looking like she barely had a cold. I could tell she still felt awful, though.

  “I’m okay,” she smiled sweetly at me and yawned. “You make a good mommy, Daisy.”

  I startled a little at her words. Was that how she thought of me?

  I gazed down at her; my eyes filled with tears at how much those words meant to me. It made my heart heavy that Bastian was not the only one I would leave behind. How could I leave when this little girl looked at me in that way? Was it even fair to her?

  She slowly closed hers and began breathing softly as fatigue overtook her.

  I turned off the TV and went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee, waiting impatiently for Bastian to come home.

  It was another few hours before he turned up, though.

  A snow storm blew through and awakened Addy. She was a little afraid of them, so I put on another movie for her and snuggled in next to her on the couch. She fell asleep again in my arms, which was where Bastian found us when he came in.

  The front door blew open hard, but he caught it before it cracked against the wall. He forced it closed behind him then dusted off his snow-covered boots and hung up his coat. When he turned and spotted me and Addy on the couch, he froze for a moment.

  His eyes looked back and forth between us before a soft smile lit up his face. He walked over and squatted next to us, raising his hand to run it down Addy’s cheek.

  “How’s she doing?” He asked me.

  I looked down fondly at the sleeping angel with her head on my lap. “She’s getting better as the day progresses. She’s been resting a lot, but the storm outside woke her up. She fell
back to sleep about half an hour ago.”

  Bastian nodded and stood to lean over and kiss my head. “Thank you for being here for her. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

  The way he looked at me with such adoration set my nerves on fire. There was something more there. It was as if a fire had lit behind them and burned with a ferocity.

  He looked away then leaned over us and gently extracted Addy from my lap, lifting her into his arms. “I’m going to go put her in bed,” he whispered before giving me another of those burning glances. “Will you stay with me tonight? I’d rather you not go walking outside into that storm, even if it’s only a few hundred yards.”

  I nodded reassuringly. “I’ll stay.”

  He grinned back at me then proceeded to carry Addy to her room.

  While he was in there, my heart began to race. I’d missed Bastian desperately. Even though it had only been a few days, having him back felt like coming home. I could practically feel him in the house with me and for some reason it did more than comfort me. It made me nervous.

  Tonight, felt different. The way he looked at me felt like more than any of the million other times he’d done it. His stare was weighted with something I couldn’t describe.

  The air seemed to shift when he walked back into the living room. I wasn’t even looking in his direction, yet I could feel him slowly approach me from behind.

  I turned just as he reached me. His eyes zeroed in on mine, flicking back and forth between them. His chest rose and fell as if he was trying to control his breathing. I could feel the heat of his body even though I wasn’t touching him. Electricity encompassed me as he continued staring. Only one word seemed to explain what I felt around me as he pressed closer.


  Suddenly, his mouth was sealed to mine. I softly moaned as his hands went into my hair and his scent wrapped around me. I couldn’t stop myself from sliding my hands beneath his shirt. This need had been growing between us steadily. What had started out as a mere ember between us in the beginning, had grown into an all-consuming and raging inferno. I wanted him the moment I’d seen him, but that want was nothing compared to this. If I couldn’t touch him more, feel him more, I wouldn’t survive the burning that took place inside me now.

  His skin was hot velvet beneath my fingertips. I felt every dip and curve in his sculpted stomach. It only made me want him more.

  “God. I missed you so much I couldn’t stand it. I needed to see you, touch you, taste you,” he said breathily between kisses. His mouth went to my neck and his hands slid to my back. He yanked my body hard into his. “And now I can’t control the desire I have for you.” These words were whispered with an urgency I knew all too well.

  “Then don’t.”

  Two simple words that sealed my fate. Two words that gave him everything he needed to know I was his to do with as he pleased. Two words I knew I would never regret.

  His hands moved and grabbed mine. Slowly and quietly, he led me to his room. His lustful eyes never left mine as he backed us into it and closed the door. He backed me gently against the door then leaned down and ravaged my mouth once again.

  I reveled in his taste and could only feel my lust for him ignite higher, but I knew I wanted to savor every second with him.

  I extracted my mouth from his and nudged him back with one hand. He stared at me confused. His expression was quickly wiped away when both my hands came down and began to leisurely unbutton his shirt. A smile tuned up at the corner of his mouth as he watched me.

  When the last button was undone, I caressed his skin with my palms as I slipped the shirt from his shoulders. Seeing him in nothing but jeans was probably the most breathtaking sight I’d ever witnessed. No amount of imagination could have done justice for the expanse of body I filled my vision with.

  He stepped forward into me and put his hands on either side of my jaw. “My turn,” he said.

  He slid his palms down my neck to my chest, then continued down my stomach to the hem of my sweater. I shivered as his fingertips skimmed the sensitive flesh of my hips before he pulled it up and over my head. His eyes feasted on my body. I did my best not to blush. I’d never been so thoroughly inspected.

  “You are breathtaking, Daisy,” he whispered. His hands touched the small of my back then went upwards.

  I felt his fingers touch the clasps of my bra just before it fell from me. Then I was in his arms and he kissed me again. My cold skin thawed pressed against the warmth of his. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He bent down and lifted me by my thighs, never taking his lips from mine. He slowly walked me to his bed and laid me down so my head was on his pillows.

  After that, my mind became a fog. All I could think about or feel was Bastian as he made love to me as fiercely as the storm that raged outside.

  His hands. His mouth. His skin.

  If I had died there in his arms, I would’ve felt like my life was fulfilled.


  I didn’t leave Bastian’s arms after that night.

  He held me as we lay there just soaking in the feel of each other. It wasn’t until daylight broke through the window that we finally extracted ourselves.

  Addy was feeling much better when she woke up an hour later. Her excitement at seeing Bastian home was enough to have her jumping out of bed and rushing into his arms. She filled him in on everything she and I did together while he was gone, telling it like it was an adventure story.

  Bastian would peak up at me as she told him; his expression showed nothing but adoration and gratefulness.

  As the next few days flew by, Addy made a full recovery from her pneumonia and played in the snow. I would watch her and Bastian playing together in their bear forms by the lake, and it triggered a small memory of me and dad.

  “Make the pile bigger, Daddy!” I yelled as I scooped up more leaves and threw them into the air.

  I loved when Daddy let me play in the leaves while he raked. This was my favorite time of the year. Leaves were more fun to play in than snow. Snow got everywhere and it was so cold!

  “Every time I make it bigger, you just destroy it, silly girl,” Daddy said with a smile.

  “So? You have a rake, anyway!”

  He laughed loudly. “You got me there, sweetheart. Mind if I join you? I’m getting tired of raking.”

  I nodded my head and giggled happily. He dropped the rake and dove into the leaves with a loud roar like a lion. We threw leaves at each other and he tickled me until I couldn’t breathe.

  I loved when Daddy played with me like this.

  I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face or stop the tear of joy that fell. Those two reminded me so much of the close relationship I had with my dad. Days like that made the pain of Mom being gone so much easier to bear. I was so happy Addy had that with Bastian. I didn’t doubt for a minute that his love for her helped ease her pain as well.

  I worked on my book as I watched them. I had changed a bit of the story after my night with Bastian. Instead of it being a complete work of fiction, I added some details of my time with him and Addy. I changed their names and the location, of course, but the story was a bit more of ours than just mine. Every detail in this book was from my heart, which made finishing it as easy as breathing.

  When I did, I held my breath as I emailed the final manuscript to my publisher.

  It felt liberating to finally finish a story after all these months of writing nothing. I felt accomplished and proud of what I’d written, yet nervous at what she would think.

  Bastian could see my nerves were getting the best of me when he walked into my cabin not long after I’d sent it.

  “I know that look. You’re worried about something,” he said as he walked in and sat next to me at the kitchen table.

  “You would be right. I just sent Lena my book and I’m freaking out,” I said. I hopped up from my chair and started fanning myself as panic set in. “What if she doesn’t like it? What if I get dropped from the company? I need
this book to work out.”

  Bastian knew that I’d included some details from real life in the book, but he didn’t mind. He knew people would take it as a complete work of fiction.

  Bastian chuckled and grabbed my hands before standing. “You will be fine. She will love it. Relax.” He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my temple. “I’m taking you on a date today. Emery has already agreed to watch Addy and let her stay the night because we won’t be back until morning.”

  I raised a brow with a smile. “Oh, really? And where are you taking me that will involve us not coming back tonight?”

  He grabbed my hand and lifted it to his lips. “It’s a surprise. So, go grab a change of clothes and meet me out back.” His grin held a hint of mischief behind it.

  I didn’t ask any questions though, and did just as he asked.

  When I came outside, it was to find Bastian in his bear form holding a large duffle bag between his teeth. I gave him a wide-eyed expression.

  “What are you doing? Someone will see you!” I chided him as I looked around in every direction. Anyone could walk past the cabin at just the right angle and see him.

  He gave me the equivalent of an eye roll and nodded his head towards his back.

  “Uh, you want me to get on your back?” I questioned unsurely. He nodded.

  I took a deep breath in and let it out, not entirely sure how I felt about riding him. At least, not in this sense of the word riding. I walked to him and he knelt, allowing me to climb onto him and grip his soft, white fur by the nape of his neck. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but I felt secure enough with my knees locked on his sides.

  He slowly ambled his way into the trees behind the cabin, making his way in the direction of the lake. I wasn’t sure where he could possibly be taking me that would allow us to stay out here all night. You couldn’t exactly camp out with the weather as cold as it was unless you had the proper equipment. His bag couldn’t possibly carry anything like that.

  It only piqued my curiosity as he continued to go further into the mountains.

  After passing the lake, he started walking at a more rapid pace. It took all of my strength to hang onto him and not slip off. He kept this pace for another thirty minutes before finally stopping. I slid off him and looked around, not seeing anything other than trees around us.